Ray Warner's email that arrived from Lima last night:
It´s official. We´re in Peru. It feels kind of surreal really... Bob from BC summed it up yesterday when he said, "I'm just waiting to wake up, because this cant really be happening." He said that as we continued our ascent to over 10,000 feet in a luxury bus on what appeared to be a burro trail.... One cannot truly appreciate the beauty of the Andes without seeing it first hand. The warm people....The great weather...The AMAZING food....The history and the culture.....All these have combined to make this an experience out of this world. Or the world I know, anyway. Then there´s the riding. WOW.. Each day has been an over the top sampling of tasty singletrack while viewing the rugged Andes. Chutes, drops, flow, slickrock. It´s like all the places I´ve ridden in one destination. How can you beat that?
The group - that's Ray third from the left with the extra big smile and guide extraordinaire Wayo Stein at the front.
The shuttle bus loaded up mid-ascent. The destination? 10,000 feet to a ride that ends on the shores of the Pacific. That's a big big descent!